Who we are?
Pcindanger.com has been created for informational purposes, in addition providing assistance in certain situations of computer system malfunction, especially those caused by virus/spyware intervention.
Currently, there is an abundant number of fraudulent spyware programs also known as misleading applications or rogue software, which may be the cause of private data theft and fraudulent payment fulfillment, therefore, the main attention is drawn specifically to this type of spyware.
During the process of rogue software research, we are trying to find out the main infection causes, its behavior and the impact on computer system. The information is simplified, making it readable to the End-user, plus there is an additional technical information for advanced users.
Computer Security Articles
Undisputed Statements About Rogue ProgramsToday, in addition to trusted computer security tools, there is aplenty programs, the so-called fake anti-virus (fake AV), fake anti-spyware or simply rogue programs... read moreFaked Windows Security CenterWindows Security Center (Action Center in Windows 7) is used as a tool to monitor computer system, to warn users about system security failure. Here the user can manage alert settings, change Windows update schedule, set firewall settings... read moreFake AV FactsProbably a significant part of defenseless cyber-humanity has been deceived and forced to pay for useless computer program, which imitated anti-virus program, promising to deal with unexpectedly appeared computer problems. read moreI purchased rogue Anti-virus. What to do?So you made a payment for rogue computer program and assured that it is a scam. What's next? Credit card company should be contacted as soon as possible and fraudulent money transfer reported... read more
Latest Threats
Windows Pro Safety ReleaseRogue Programs | 25 May 2012Windows Pro Safety Release is counterfeit computer security software, which belongs to Rogue.FakeVimes family and falls into category of rogue programs. full article
Security CentralRogue Programs | 9 June 2011Security Central is a fake anti-spyware program, which acts like a real computer security software, intended to deceive user and make him purchase bogus program license. full article
Windows Efficiency AnalyzerRogue Programs | 6 June 2011Windows Efficiency Analyzer is a fake anti-spyware program, which is used to display bogus computer security alerts, thus making user believe that his machine is infected. full article
Windows Salvage SystemRogue Programs | 6 June 2011indows Salvage System is a fake anti-spyware program, which is used to display bogus computer security alerts, thus making user believe that his machine is infected. full article